The public works agency of the Junta de Andalucía, as promoter of the Trambahía de Cádiz, has been the main award winner for its execution, sharing this recognition with some thirty civil engineers from both the administration and the companies that participated in its design and construction, among them Eptisa, álabe, Detea, Tecsa, Sacyr, Prinur, Geocisa, Vimac, Joca, Intervías, Ogensa, UC10, Azvi, Martín Casillas, Sener Infraestructura, Ingesa, Gyocivil, Dragados and IDOM.
After more than 17 years of works and almost twenty years since the first steps were taken, the Cadiz Trambahía exemplifies the value of the commitment between administrations, companies and professionals for the execution of large engineering works. The Cadiz Trambahía is a public and global mode of transport, which is distinguished by the singularity of combining urban, interurban and railway routes, becoming an innovative action in the panorama of railway infrastructures in the Spanish territory. It connects the networks of two public administrations, through four municipalities, serving almost 250,000 people, with high frequency transport systems, great punctuality and a high penetration capacity in the urban network. A pioneering model in Spain, whose hybrid and bimodal nature has conditioned its execution and tested the expertise of the engineers involved.
This is an award "to the work of an entire team that has rowed in the same direction" to make this achievement possible, which has already transported more than one million passengers and is expected to reach three million in 2024.